sexta-feira, 25 de abril de 2008

Kinetic works and Gunpwder Tea

Campbell I have resolved the name , Tim Hunkin, he is someone I have almost met but not found time. Andrew Saunders was Jocelyn Herbert's assistant on the film of Ned Kelly with Mick Jagger, I worked with him in the theatre and the Pink Floyd job, he was a good friend of Tim Hunkin and often said that Tim and I should meet up for a chat as we clearly had a lot in common but time never worked in my favour. Stuart

Tim Hunkin (born 1950) is an English engineer, cartoonist, writer, and artist living in Suffolk, England. He is best known for creating the Channel Four television series The Secret Life of Machines, in which he explains the workings and history of various household devices. He has also created museum exhibits for institutions across the UK, and designed numerous public engineering works, chiefly for entertainment.

He graduated in engineering from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.

Hunkin's works are distinctive, often recognisable by his unique style of papier-mâché sculpture (made from unpainted newsprint), his pen and ink cartoons, and his offbeat sense of humour.

I have no photos of this time in London, one crazy time from the work point of view with myself and Jacky vertually not meeting or meeting for breakfast, I coming into the house when she was leaving for work at Tower Bridge. Andrew, I remember being the only friend for whom I actually 'yoghurt sat', he was a vegetarian with a passion for the one yoghurt culture that he had, it made life difficult for him when he was away from home so he would get someone to stay there and look after the culture. A simple routine but necessary for Andrew to go away stress free. Andrew was a lovely person and so considerate, he must have been a good assitant to Jocelyn.
I remember us three sitting in a bar and chatting about the exploits of the two of them in Australia whilst filming 'Ned Kelly' with Mick Jagger ( I tried to get a friend, Peter Price,who worked on the Stones tours to get me a job with them for fit ups but Peter in truth was a complete lunatic and never did try, he often stood in the workshop with hands above his head and swayed to the music of Slade) Jocelyn always had her hair cut short and had almost no breasts, Andrew had very long hair and was a pretty man, the result was that when they where travelling around looking for set locations in Australia the locals assumed he was female and she was male, thus Jocelyn could go into the pub for a drink and Andrew at to stay outside, totally male dominated country. The other story was about the houses in the out back there, they were built of wood and the small towns were just like the American Westerns but unlike the films the inside walls of the houses were covered with old newspapers as wallpaper and to stop the wind and sand entering through the gaps.
Another friend of mine who I first met in Exeter at the Northcott Theatre, was the choreographer David Toguri he had worked with the dance group, Pan's People', I think thats correct, when they produced dance for the TV show 'Top of the Pops' during the 1960's and had a drop in role(literaly) in Mick Jaggers 1970 (made in 1968) film 'Performance'. David introduced me to gun power tea and the Japanese style of furniture.

TEA and the worlds healthiest drink.
One of the most popular beverages worldwide, Chinese teas is generally divided into basically two tea groups namely the basic tea groups and the reprocessed tea groups. The ingredients in the basic tea type are only the fresh tea leaves from the Camellia Sinensis tea plant. Depending on the type of processing method, there exists six different tea types namely white tea, yellow tea, green tea, oolong tea, black tea, and dark tea. Teas of the reprocessed tea group are made from any of the basic teas and then other materials are added. Such teas can be classified as fruit teas, health tea, extracted tea, and compressed tea, spiced tea, and scented tea. Some of the most popular Chinese teas include Peony Tea, Silver Tip White Tea, Gun power Green Tea, Sencha Green Tea, Ti Kuan Yin Tea Yellow, Lapsang Souchang Black Tea, Jasmine Pearl Tea, Ginseng Oolong Tea, and many more teas.

Gunpowder tea (; pinyin: zhū chá) is a form of green Chinese tea produced in Zhejiang Province of China in which each leaf has been rolled into a small round pellet. It is believed to take its English name from the fact that the tea resembles gunpowder pellets used for cannons (see Etymology). This rolling method of shaping tea is most often applied either to dried green tea (the most commonly encountered variety outside China) or Oolong tea.

Gunpowder tea production dates back to the Tang Dynasty (618–907) but it was first introduced to Taiwan in the 1800s. Although the individual leaves were formerly rolled by hand, today most gunpowder tea is rolled by machines (though the highest grades are still rolled by hand). Rolling tea leaves into gunpowder tea renders the leaves less susceptible to physical damage and allows them to retain more of their flavor and aroma. In addition, it allows certain types of oolong teas to be aged for decades if they are cared for by being occasionally roasted.

When buying gunpowder tea it is important to look for shiny pellets, which indicate that the tea is relatively fresh.

When sold as a variety of tea, Gunpowder tea has several varieties:

  • Pingshui Gunpowder (平水珠茶) : The original and most common variety of Gunpowder tea with larger pearls, better color, and a more aromatic infusion, which is commonly sold as Temple of Heaven Gunpowder or Pinhead Gunpowder, the former, a common brand of this tea variety[1].
  • Formosa Gunpowder : A Gunpowder style tea grown in Taiwan near Keelung, it is claimed to have its own characteristic aroma, different from that of Zhejiang Province Gunpowder grown in mainland China. Formosa gunpowder teas are typically fresh or roasted oolongs.
  • Ceylon Gunpowder : A Gunpowder variant grown in Sri Lanka, usually at altitudes exceeding 6,000 feet, see Green Ceylon teas.
Several types of green teas are commonly rolled into "gunpowder" form, including Chunmee, Tieguanyin, Huang Guanyin, and Dong Ding, as well as many other oolong and higher-end jasmine teas.

In Chinese, gunpowder tea is called zhū chá (; literally "pearl tea" or "bead tea"; not to be confused with boba tea).

The origin of the English term may come from the Mandarin Chinese term gāng paò dè (), simply meaning "freshly brewed," which sounds like the English word "gunpowder." More likely, however, the English name derives from the tea's similarity in appearance to actual gunpowder: greyish, dark pellets of irregular shape used as explosive propellant for early guns. The name may also have arisen from the fact that the grey-green leaf is tightly rolled into a tiny pellet and "explodes" into a long leaf upon being steeped in hot water. Another explanation is that the tea also can have a smoky flavor

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